Wednesday, February 5, 2014

A Poem from Winter

Winter View

The winter sky is calm and gray
As a cold mist glistens the ground.
The crooked grief of dormant trees
Weighs lightly on the seasoned, rugged limbs.

The lone mournful cry of a killdeer
Lobs across the hills
And a wistful but gallant mutt of a dog
Traverses the wet pavement.

My heart lies in wait
Surveying the scene.
Inward sight casts hues of longing
On sky and tree.
My soul throws mournful colors
On sound and sight.

My spirit breathes
With the cold mist
And gives thanks to the earth
For gifts that await. 



Photo: Winter Tree near Ellerton Abby
Credit: Christine Johnstone, contributor to The Geograph Project
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons


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