Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Virus

We have a national viral emergency, and I'm not talking about the coronavirus, though that, too, is a national problem. I'm talking about a more insidious virus.

Have you ever downloaded a virus that affected your whole computer operating system? When we elected Donald J. Trump, our nation downloaded a virus. Not only do people feel free to openly hate those who are different, but we are also seeing a dismantling of systems designed to preserve the environment and support public health. Hatred and disregard are extended even to our environment and our communities.

Moreover, just as a Trojan virus might do, Mr. Trump has consistently cast doubt upon every major governmental institution and has done his best to dismantle the government's effectiveness by appointing inexperienced cronies and donors to head those government institutions.

How can we free ourselves from this virus that affects our nation's operating system? We'll have a chance at the polls next week.


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