Thursday, March 8, 2018

Art Garfunkel on CBS This Morning

I'm reading Art Garfunkel's new memoir, What Is It All but Luminous: Notes from an Underground Man (Knopf, 2017). When I saw this interview, I went down to the library to check it out. He has done some amazing work since his Simon and Garfunkel days, though he doesn't get quite the limelight that Paul Simon has received. I loved his ninth studio album, Everything Waits to be Noticed (2002). It was his debut as a songwriter and he has some marvelous sounds in this trio presentation along with singer-songwriters Maia Sharp and Buddy Mondlock.

Here is his interview on CBS This Morning, sitting around the table with the morning crew. He talks about his walks across America and Europe, and noting the beauty around him. “You are so entranced by the beauty of everything, you tear up. And in the blurry vision of tearing up, what is it all, but luminous?”


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