Later that day, I was driving home, again listening to NPR – this time it was the “All Things Considered” news broadcast. Burl Ives had died and they were interviewing folk singer Pete Seeger, talking about Burl Ives’ life. Pete Seeger made the comment that when he thought of Burl Ives, he thought of that clear, strong, beautiful voice of his. The interviewer wanted to probe more deeply into Seeger’s thoughts. What about that time during the McCarthy Red Scare, when there were hearings in Washington, D.C. before the House Committee on Un-American Activities? Burl Ives had testified before the committee, exonerating himself and implicating Pete Seeger, resulting in Seeger being blacklisted along with other folk singers of the day. Seeger’s career was severely affected by that awful reactionary time. Seeger’s response to the interviewer was, “Sometimes you just have to forgive and move on with your life.” He spoke with such conviction and serenity. I was moved by that interview. I said to myself, “If Pete Seeger can forgive Burl Ives, then I can forgive ______.”
It didn’t happen in an instant, but I made that my discipline for the Easter season that year. I know that my own health and well being were positively affected by my move to forgive and get on with my life. I should hasten to add that this lesson is not a one time thing. Since that day, there have been other occasions where I have struggled to forgive and move on.
I should also add that I have at times been the one who needed to be forgiven. Furthermore, I have no doubt that because of the nature of human interaction, there have been people who have had to forgive me for things I was not even aware of doing. Living with others always leads to hurt and offense. If we are aware, we sometimes realize the hurt we have inflicted and can ask forgiveness. Other times, we are not aware until it is brought to our attention. There are still other times when, just as we must forgive and move on, someone else finds the grace to forgive us and move on – even when we are too blind to realize the hurt that we caused.
I met Burl Ives in February 1971 who picked me up hitchhiking with a fellow student from the Sorrento Centre for Human Development to Revelstoke British Columbia about an hour & a half long conversation. In 2004, I met Pete Seeger who attended a Local Currencies in the 21st Century conference at Bard College. I was giving a workshop on the characteristics of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Relational 'economy' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') which Pete attended. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/relational-economy Pete & I talked for hours afterwards & Pete even got up on a table outside with his banjo played & sang. Pete invited me to his home on the Hudson & the clean up Yacht. Those who are interested in understanding the bridge between communism & anti-Communism will do well to study the works of Antony Sutton describing New-York Stock-Exchange & US Federal Reserve Schiff's funding of Trotsky & German Financier Warburg's funding of Lenin who through Bolshevism, violently captured, perverted & overthrew the long work of Russia's 'community' (Gk 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') movements. Living among 1st Nations, Russian Dukobour, German Mennonite & English Quaker, one can see the violent immaturity of what Trotsky & Lenin violently imposed as communism, not understanding the indigenous community heritage.