Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Poem in October (Dylan Thomas)

Even though we are in the midst of an unusual heatwave in the southeast, October turns my mind to autumnal things.  Autumn is a wonderful time of year, invigorating with its cool mornings (surely they will be here soon) and colorful foliage. Autumn invites us to draw inward for a time.

This week I’ve been re-reading Dylan Thomas’ “Poem in October.”  He evokes such marvelous imagery, such as “heron priested shore,” and “a child's Forgotten mornings when he walked with his mother Through the parables Of sun light.”

In the video below, we can hear Thomas reading his "Poem in October."



  1. Thank you, Charles. We have too few moments sometimes to give ourselves over to imagery or to poetry, and barely enough to let the music touch us. Thanks for this opportunity.

    Hope you're well.


    1. Thanks, Joe. The coming of October always reminds me to revisit this poem by Dylan Thomas. Hope all is well with you also.
