
Sunday, March 16, 2014

So Grand a Caravan: An Invitation to Poetry

Photo by PhotoJoy Photography

Standing Upon the Plain at Dawn

Standing upon the plain at dawn
Something deep inside calls out.
So grand a caravan has come this far!
The soul looks with gratitude upon the tombs
Of those who carried every song, every story,
Every portent of light.

A moment in the silent calm of a new day
Brings the soul around
To seek what mighty source called these souls out
Who now rest in the peace of knowing
That the caravan continues.

My soul joyfully embarks upon the journey
My hands willingly take up the task
My heart gladly celebrates a magnificent company of travelers.

                                                     ~ Charles Kinnaird

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Note about today's post: The poem above is in response to an "Invitation to Poetry" by the Abby of the Arts. The photo along with the theme is posted on their blog at This invitation is open to all, so feel free to visit their site to see what others have shared and to share your own poem.


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