
Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday (Daybreak)

Paschal Triduum: A Personal Journey

Easter Morning

(A Song of John)

I can’t stay in there –
Not with all those bells ringing
And people singing.
In such a fragmented world
Full of pain and loss,
I am sickened by mindless joy.

A walk along the beach will help.
There was no sleeping last night;
Things are cloudy and dim today –
Mist out upon the water
And a numbing fog in my mind.

There is a fire up ahead
Back from the shoreline.
Smoke rises beyond the knoll.
As I approach,
I see a man tending the fire.
Drawing nearer, I see who he is.
I saw him once before,
But later told myself it was a dream.
Now here he is again.
The fog in my head jolts for a second.

“Have some fish,”
The man says,
Taking some fresh catch off the fire.

“I can’t eat.”

“You need to eat,” the man urges.
“It will do your body good
     – maybe shake that fog out of your head.”

“I don’t know...”

“It will let you know you are not dreaming.”

I stop to take a small bite.
“So now they are calling you
The Luminous One,”
I say to my friend.

“Perhaps there is truth in that,”
He responds with a comforting smile.
“We all carry light.”

                                        ~ CK

*     *     *

“Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus…When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.” (John 21: 4, 9)

Photo: Kinnereth (Sea of Galilee), Israel
Credit: Zachi Evenor
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

< Holy Saturday


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