
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Experiences of Mystery and Wonder

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“I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick

To live in the world is to live in the presence of mystery and wonder. We go about our daily lives and our daily routines doing the best we can, making the most sense that we can of what life is about. Perhaps the ordinariness of life is what gives us some sense of constancy and security, but many people want more that just the ordinary. Some will seek out the mystery and wonder of life. Others are just as happy to go about their business, and then are surprised by wonder, maybe even engulfed in mystery.

Experiences of mystery and wonder: we all have those moments. This week I’ll be posting some thoughts and observations about those experiences using the following topics:

1. A Childhood Encounter
2. Seeing the Lion
3. Experiencing Wonder in Nature
4. Experiencing Wonder in Worship
5. Experiencing Wonder in Storytelling and Cinema
6. The Wonder of Music
7. Responding to the Mystery
8. Walking in Mystery

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